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What is GDPR?

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, OJ EU L of 2016, No. 119). We have been applying the GDPR provisions since 25 May 2018.

Who is the controller of your personal data?

The controller of your personal data is Poleng Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Poznań (60-275) at Pogodna 10. If you have any questions about this document or the manner of processing or purposes for which we process your personal data, please contact us at:

What is “personal data”? When is it transferred?

Personal data within the meaning of the Directive is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. The definition of “personal data” includes information available or recorded in any form (e.g. alphabetical, numerical, graphic, audio), recorded on traditional media (paper, etc.) or on electronic media (magnetic disks and other). Personal data includes, in particular, name and surname, identification number, location data, online identifier or other data which allows for determining the identity of a natural person. To the extent that you use our website, it uses cookies to compile statistics and to facilitate the use of the website. This data may constitute personal data. Users can manage storage of data via their browser settings. If you use the forms we make available to contact us, we take care to inform you that the personal data provided shall be processed for the purpose of completing the contact, conducting correspondence and exchanging/transmitting the required information.In addition, personal data is also transferred in connection with concluding contracts or exercising rights, both in your interest and that of our company.

What is the purpose of the GDPR?

The GDPR is intended to help increase the protection of personal data and facilitate its portability for the growing realisation of the information society.

What is the purpose of the data we collect?

We obtain your personal data when concluding a contract or in connection with our business, i.e. :
a) to conclude and execute the contract between us and to ensure the due level of the services performed, throughout and after its execution, in connection with the settlements and obligations incumbent on our company related to reporting, accounting, tax and information obligations, including the availability of our services;
b) to fulfil legal obligations under the provisions of law, including the issuance of invoices and other documents, to ensure the due quality of services, and to conduct and respond to complaint procedures;
c) to establish and protect claims to which we are entitled, to prevent violations, abuse and criminal activities;
d) to verify the ability to meet financial obligations to our company;
e) for the purpose of direct marketing of services provided by our company. Other than restricting access to our services or deliveries due to non-payment of our dues, we do not plan to automatically process the data provided to us (profiling). Should such circumstances arise, we shall report on them separately.

Over what period is the data processed?

We shall process the personal data provided to us for the term and execution of the concluded contracts or seeking to conclude them, the performance of obligations incumbent on us under the law, or for the duration of pursuing our legitimate interests related to, e.g. defending our rights before state authorities, and for the time during which it is permissible to conduct marketing campaigns.

What data do we process?

All personal data collected is related to and serves the purpose of concluding and executing contracts within the objective scope of our business or fulfilling the legitimate obligations of our company. The data acquired is limited to the data necessary to conduct our business and perform the obligations we carry out.

Data transfer for processing or data sharing

our data may be outsourced for processing on our behalf only within the limits of the law, e.g.: - to operate the systems we use, and to handle and maintain them; - to subcontractors performing work commissioned by us for the performance of the contracts between us; - to entities providing us with consulting, legal and other services. Data may also be shared with other entities which process the data transferred to them on their own behalf, such as: - entities providing postal, courier, logistics or transport services; - payment institutions, payment processing banks; - debt collection entities, as long as our dues are not paid on time; - other bodies and entities acting under the law. We currently have no plans to transfer your data outside the European Economic Area, to third countries.

Types of rights you have in relation to data processing

You have the right to:
1) rectify data when it is incorrect or erroneous;
2) erase data when processing has no legal basis;
3) restrict the processing of personal data - to suspend the performance of operations or prevent the erasure of data, based on a request;
4) access data - information about the processed data and its content;
5) data portability - to transfer it to another controller or for your benefit.


You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, resulting in the cessation of processing for such purposes. In other cases, due to your legitimate interest, we shall stop processing the data, unless there is a legal basis for the processing such as the assertion of claims or other legitimate reasons on the part of our company.

Consent - the effects of its expression and withdrawal

In a situation where we process your data with your consent (i.e. in situations other than the conclusion and performance of a contract), then the consent you have given may be withdrawn at any time, but this shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing activities carried out until the withdrawal of consent.

Complaint to the supervisory authority

If you believe that our company’s processing of your personal data violates the law, you may file a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

The data protection officer can be contacted by e-mail at:

On our part, we make every effort for the proper security of the processed personal data, both in terms of organisational and technical security measures.
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